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Muhammad was a Warlord

Muhammad was a warlord, For sure you read it somewhere or maybe you hear people like Robert Spencer or Sam Harris repeating the same words about Muhammad that he was a conquering warlord.

While we don't know when and where Sam Harris or Robert Spencer learned about the life of the prophet Muhammad or the History, Both of them are not Muslims or ex Muslims, No one of them is a native Arabic speaker, They are not experts in the History or Terrorism or  Security or Military. No one of them showed us his skills in the War cold history or the Arabic culture. Sam Harris didn't study Islam in any place while Robert Spencer studied religious studies but his masters thesis was on Catholic history.

This words came from an American person who kept silent while his country bombed 70 countries since the world war 2, While the other one is from a Christian background who never critic the Crusaders, The Army of god in the USA or even The Lord's Resistance Army in Uganda.

When we study the military career of the prophet Mohamed we will find that what they are claiming is totally wrong, the sum total of all casualties on all sides in all the battles of Muhammad is about 1,000 , it's called expeditions not wars.and many of this expeditions end without fighting like the Patrol of al-Abwa, Patrol of Buwat , First Expedition to Badr , Patrol of Zul Al-Ushairah. . .etc.

The Patrol of Waddan when  Muhammad took 70 men with him and when he reached Waddan, the Quraysh were not there. But the Banu Damrah met with him and established a peace agreement . No fighting occurred during this campaign but it's counted as one expedition.

Nakhla raid when the Muslims were 8 men against 4 men, Invasion of Sawiq when two Muslims were killed only, Dhu Amarr raid one person was captured and no one was killed, and many other examples that you can find all of this expeditions in the following List
  List of expeditions of Muhammad

Another example is the Conquest of Mecca, The Muslims were able to enter the city without fight and it was peaceful and bloodless entry on three sectors, but on the fourth sector or what is called Khalid's column. Some non Muslims like Ikrimah and Sufwan gathered a group of Quresh fighters and faced Khalid's column. They attacked the Muslims with swords and bows, and the Muslims charged the Quresh's positions. After a short skirmish the Quresh gave ground after losing twelve men. Muslim losses were two warriors, a total of 14 dead person in the two sides. In our modern world this is not called a war or a conquests or even a raid. 

When we read what the famous Historians wrote like Henri de Boulainvilliers, If you don't know him he is remembered as an early modern historian of the French State, and published an early French translation of Spinoza's Ethics, Also he wrote on topics as diverse as astrology, physics, philosophy and theology.

In his book Vie de Mahomed which was published in 1730, Henri de Boulainvilliers, described Muhammad as a gifted political leader and a just lawmaker. He also presents him as a divinely inspired messenger whom God employed to confound the bickering Oriental Christians, to liberate the Orient from the despotic rule of the Romans and Persians, and to spread the knowledge of the unity of God from India to Spain.

Another Author is Emmanuel Pastoret who published in 1787 his book Zoroaster, Confucius and Muhammad, in this book he presents the lives of these three "great men", "the greatest legislators of the universe", he compares their life, careers as religious reformers and lawgivers.

Emmanuel Pastoret argues that the Quran proffers "the most sublime truths of cult and morals"; it defines the unity of God with an "admirable concision." Pastoret writes that the common accusations of his immorality are unfounded: on the contrary, his law enjoins sobriety, generosity, and compassion on his followers: the "legislator of Arabia" was "a great man."

Another example is Thomas Carlyle in his famous book Heroes and Hero Worship and the Heroic in History (1840) Thomas Carlyle describes Muhammad as "a silent great soul; one of those who cannot but be in earnest". Thomas Carlyle is a historian , Philosopher, Satirical writer, essayist, and a teacher.

He explained in his book that the key role in history lies in the actions of the "Great Man", he said that "History is nothing but the biography of the Great Man".

Not only the Authors that we mentioned them in this article, there is a long list of biographies of Muhammad, No one of them called him a warlord, Why ? Do they lack knowledge ?

This books in the following list is not written by Muslims,  most of this books is written by western non Muslims Authors and famous historians. No one of them claimed that Muhammad was a conquering warlord in his book, We believe in the opinion of the majority, the opinion of the famous historians not the self-proclaimed experts and haters.

List of biographies of Muhammad - Wikipedia

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